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Our Benchmarking & Auditing services 

We generate value for clients’ property and construction projects through detailed data analysis and modelling. Using our benchmarking process, we identify and manage risks, ensuring costs are contained while allowing quick decisions to be made.

We also provide auditing services. This includes the systematic and independent examination of data, statements, records, operations and performance as required by the clients’ terms of reference.

Benchmarking from the beginning

At the outset, we analyse existing data to agree a budget, inform scheme design and development, and select the most suitable contractor. We can then manage the entire construction process, providing informed advice and direction.

Driving value throughout the project

We reference historic data to predict costs, demonstrating likely expenditure on works packages and the risk around variation.  Giving our clients quantifiable evidence of different cost elements is invaluable in managing projects and persuading other parties of proposed strategies. We also help clients use benchmarking data to explore alternative design concepts and procurement methodologies.

Continuous improvement

By analysing previous experiences, we effectively model data to test and validate forecasts and strategies. This supports the processes of risk and value management during design development and can be used to set targets for continuous improvement.

We set the benchmarks for benchmarking

Our expertise in the area of construction project analysis and benchmarking is acknowledged through the RICS best practice guidance, which was prepared by Gleeds.

We hold extensive records of detailed analysis of recent construction projects covering all key industry sectors, build types, sustainability ratings, and procurement and contract arrangements.

We believe benchmarking helps to identify the ‘best in class’ demonstrating project improvements our clients can realistically achieve within defined parameters.

Beszélj hozzánk
Michael Yang

Michael Yang
Managing Director, China

Globális kapcsolat
Stuart Senior

Stuart Senior
Supervisory Board