Level 2 BIM: The importance of the Model Production and Delivery Table

The Model Production and Delivery Table (MPDT) is a pivotal tool in the process of model management and without it, it is difficult to proceed with design activities.

A MPDT is completed at the earliest stages of a project and is referred to in the Employer’s Information Requirements and appended to the BIM Protocol. The structure and the components of the table are defined in the CIC BIM Protocol [the Protocol]: “It both allocates responsibility for preparation of the Models and identifies the Level of Detail that Models need to meet at the project stages or data drops stated in the table.”

The MPDT is completed by the client but should be agreed with those required to deliver the models detailed.

So, what are the individual components that constitute the MPDT? Firstly, according to the Protocol, the MPDT should identify ‘specified models’ (it is the delivery of the specified models that is bound by the Protocol). Specified models often include an Architectural model, Structural model, Civil Engineering model, FFE, MEP and other Specialist-design models (if a specified model isn’t listed in the MPDT, there is no clear obligation to provide that model).

The MPDT may then further map out the individual components/entities/systems to be covered by the specified models. To minimise ambiguity, these can be listed according to an industry-recognised method of classification, such as Uniclass 2015 or the element/ sub-element structure offered by the RICS New Rules of Measurement.

The MPDT then needs to identify project stages/ data drops to indicate when the agreed information exchanges will take place and provide direction about model maturity. A common way of listing the project stages in the UK is the RIBA Plan of Work, but the MPDT can be adapted to refer to other project stage references as required. Each project stage contains three compartments of information: Model Originator*, Level of Detail (LOD) and Level of Information (LOI). These three attributes tie back to the components/entities/systems in the specified models and thus describe who is responsible for delivering which model component. LOD articulates the level of geometric/ graphical detail of each component and LOI the level of non-graphical information. The combined LOD+LOI=LOMD (Level of Model Definition).

*The identity of the Model Originator should reflect contract/appointment structures. For example, with Design & Build, where there may be no direct client/designer appointment, the model originator will be the contractor.

And finally, the MPDT should be appended to all Project Team Agreements where team members will be involved in the use, production or delivery of models. It should also be monitored regularly with any changes managed through a structured change control process.

Download an example of MPDT here.



Sarah Davidson

Sarah Davidson
Associate Professor, University of Nottingham

Download MPDT example: